Jun 2Liked by Melanie Newfield

Thank you Melanie. Good luck with your concentration. I can relate. We live in distracting times.

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Thanks John. Normally I do okay, but I was being pestered by a dog and a cat and my brain's not been working as well for the last few days.

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Jun 2Liked by Melanie Newfield

Brilliant & loved Randy! Thank you! Was at a huge protest for Palestine today! No media!

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Randy's the best. My mother's a fan now.

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We seem to be getting caught up in semantics and arguments... all the time instead of doing something differently

global warming, climate change blah blah..

The facts don't change.

Scientists have been warning for over 30 years.

Species are going extinct every day now.

That should be knowledge enough.

We have lost respect and appreciation for mother earth.

She is the basis for all life.

Our artificial life/ world is slowly killing us.

Arrogance, ignorance and greed are killing us.

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Great article, thank you!

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Jun 3Liked by Melanie Newfield

It's been interesting reading about disinformation and the tactics people use. Covid was another big one for disinformation. I recently saw a play at Circa - Transmission Beta - that covered this, along with the different views people held about the vaccine and isolation. Definitely worth a watch!

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Covid certainly was a case study in disinformation. The play sounds fascinating, thanks for the recommendation.

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Jun 10Liked by Melanie Newfield

Melanie, these are great sources as always. I've bookmarked several of them to share with teachers in the future -- here in Georgia (USA) I've been part of a team that has worked on new literacy standards for our state. For the first time, we will now be teaching students as young as 8 how to identify credible sources, so I'm really excited about the possibilities. Your collection of links is a great resource for this -- thank you!

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Thanks Heather. It is such an important skill these days. And challenging because it's not intuitive. Let me know if there's anything you need.

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