brilliant well written article / i am informed / in my backyard is a bog filter that accomplishes the nitrogen cycle quite well / ammonia in the waste products of the fish is pumped thru a gravel bed (the bog filter) where the little people (microbes as you call them) metabolize them into nitrites and other little people eat the nitrites and transform it into nitrates which the plant people eat / hey i'm gonna write about this

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That's really cool. I have aquariums with filter that accomplish the same process. I've learned a lot about nitrogen since keeping fish.

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Great piece Melanie. I learned a lot. And I grew up on a dairy farm!

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Thank you, I really appreciate that.

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Victoria University spin out Liquim has a new method of creating ammonia at room temperature for the production of ammonia as a fuel to replace diesel with converting to electric engines. Huge potential for an export nation that ships its goods worldwide to scale up the technology here.

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That sounds really interesting. I'll take a look.

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Sorry for the typo - *without converting to electric engines. i.e. same engines but clean green fuel.

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You took us on quite the journey! I'd heard of the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico, but I love the way you lead us there. Thanks for such a well-researched piece on this important aspect of our environment.

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Thank you. I hadn't realised that the impact was quite so bad, but it's horrifying

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