Aug 20, 2023Liked by Melanie Newfield

Subscribed! Thanks for sharing all these - it’s good to look at the bright (and sarcastic) side of the terrible crisis we got ourselves into!

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Don’t forget First Dog in the Moon, whose cartoons appear regularly in the Guardian and who often deals with climate issues in a very amusing way, eg: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/11/how-to-protest-climate-change-nicely-with-brenda-the-civil-disobedience-penguin?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

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Love the artwork

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What great links! I'm enjoying them right now. And I agree that positive messages are almost always going to resonate more. Laughing people are in an open frame of mind almost by definition. That's not the moment to cram a lecture in there, but some of the best commentary is positioned as humor, historically and now.

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This was fun. Love John Oliver.

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Aug 21, 2023Liked by Melanie Newfield

Thanks a lot for the mention, Melanie!

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Sarah Silverman called it. Love how these billionaires flying on private jets, excessive energy for their huge mansions, have the biggest foot prints.

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What a great take on how to get the scientific message across with humor. I agree that John Oliver does more for science journalism than most actual reporters, and his humor leavens the often bleak truths. "Don't Look Up" was poised to do the same for climate change, but due to the coincidental timing became seen more as an allegory for covid-19 and the Trump administration

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