Thanks Melanie, for this excellent and thorough round up. It's really important to be reminded of this. You're right that there are some issues unique to the US, but which I think are warnings for the rest of the world. I wrote last year in the piece linked below:

"In highly individualistic societies, including most Western countries, but especially the United States, politicians, corporations, and others have weaponized our lizard brains against us. They have done this by taking advantage of our fixation on personal freedom and property rights to portray solutions to societal problems as threats to liberty so that our lizard brain reacts. This is how we surrender wetland protections to personal property rights; sacrifice schoolchildren to gun rights; “other” people and take away their rights, forgetting that those are our rights too. Masks, vaccines, gas stoves, I could go on. Seat belts, unleaded gas, and cigarette restrictions wouldn’t stand a chance today."


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An excellent summary, thank you very much for putting it together. To put this is a New Zealand context, in last October's national election campaign as the Green Party candidate for Whangarei, I was the only one to talk about climate change and the policies we had to tackle it. So as far as the other parties' candidates were concerned, climate change and its effects was still barely worth a mention - how incredibly sad and sick is that, in a year where as a country we were smashed by Cyclone Gabrielle and the Auckland floods causing an estimated $18 000 000 000 (billion) of damage, loss of life, loss of livelihoods, loss of homes, etc. Sorry, National did mention climate change in the form of promising to raid $2 000 000 000 (billion) from the Climate Emergency Response Fund and gift it as tax cuts to New Zealand's richest voters. And Act pledged to get rid of all legislation and policies that tackled climate change. 🙁

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Thanks for this update on climate denial, Melanie. You’ve included some of the best voices—Naomi Oreskes and Michael Mann—who are identifying the tactics of the well-financed climate denial industry.

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What a great roundup Melanie. So many links and videos. I have marked this one for follow up to learn more. My sense is fear tactics are what all sides in an argument often engage in. Modeling climate and making it predictive improves continuously. I think it is likely predictions of only two years ago probably haven't aged well. People want certainty and the best we can do is assess risk.

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This is a helpful list I'm saving! Thank you.

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“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.” ― Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Believe = religion

Think = opinion

Know = science

What I know.

What do you know that’s different?

Published (SubStack, X, MSN, Google, PaPundits, et, al.)

Peer reviewed (the world)

And undisputed (so far)

ISR ToA = 1,368 W/m^2.

From the Sun’s perspective Earth is a flat, discular, pin head.

To average that discular energy over a spherical surface divide by 4.

(disc = π r^2, sphere = 4 π r^2)


(Not even close to how the Earth heats & cools + this is Fourier’s model which even Pierrehumbert says is no good.)

Deduct 30% albedo.

(Clouds, ice, snow created by GHE/water vapor.)


Deduct 80 due to atmospheric absorption.

(If this were so ToA would be warmer than surface.)

Net/net of 160 arrives at surface.

Per LoT 1 160 is ALL!! that can leave.

17 sensible + 80 latent + 63 (by remaining diff) LWIR = 160

Balance is closed, done, over, fini, “Ttthhhat’s ALL folks!!”

So where does this second source of surface upwelling heat flow of 396 come from?

396 is the S-B BB calculation for any surface at 16 C, 289 K, that serves as the denominator of the emissivity ratio: 63/396=0.16.

It is a theoretical calculation.

It is not real.

It is a duplicate “extra.”

It violates LoT 1.

396 up – 2nd 63 LWIR (How convenient.) = 333 “back” from cold to hot w/o work violating LoT 2.

Not that it matters.

Erase the 396/333/63 GHE “extra” energy loop from the graphic and the balance holds true.

IR instruments do not measure power flux, they are calibrated to report a referenced temperature and infer power flux assuming the target is a BB. (Read the manual.)

16 C + BB = 396 & incorrect.

16 C + 0.16 = 63 & correct.

There is no GHE.

There is no GHG warming.

There is no CAGW,

The consensus is wrong – Aahhgain!!!


Bring science which is not appeals to authority, off topic esoteric Wiki handwavium and ad hominem gas lighting and insults.

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