Great story, thanks Melanie. I also met Mr Blue and he liked the look of my wife's shoe laces, something like a tasty grass shoot perhaps. Quite a character.

I think the brush wattle is a legume so not entirely evil.

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I was shocked to read of Mel’s passing. I lost contact with so many people after moving from Tāmaki Makaurau about ten years ago. A legend!

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So sorry to have given you that sad news. I get it, I've lost contact with far too many people too. Mel was a huge loss.

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While they are a newish feature, I enjoy your diagrams and hope you include them regularly.

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Thank you, Mark, I appreciate it. I'm definitely keen to do more - I'm working on my skills.

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Thank you for sharing all the hard work that is being done to restore the island. It is so sad to see that so many islands around the world have seen a similar faith with deforestation and destruction. I applaud all the hardworking people for all the work they put it. They are the real heroes.

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Thank you. So many islands have suffered terribly from human damage, they are often very sensitive environments. But there are people doing great work on restoration.

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