I hope the reference to neo-nazi encapsulates zionazi and the racist state of Israel, as it’s very relevant and I didn’t see that articulated in the letter.

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It should also contain the workings of the Pharmaceutical industry and what the modern forms have in common with the Nazi forms.

But Melanie is a big promoter of vaccines. So I suspect that this appeal to Substack is all about that rather than Richard Spencer and his like.

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I block back Mr. Raven.


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As much as I hate Zionists, and speak out against their sneering endorsement of the mass murder of children, even they have a right to speak, and we humane, decent people also have an obligation to respond to their speech with yet more speech denouncing their lack of humane values.

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Thx for sending. I see you have a Jew hater already in the comments. Sad.

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David's? I figure he's a bit critical of Israel and somewhat right on the money as well. How is that a "Jew Hater".

Maybe you should engage with the argument instead of going straight to ad hominem and "cancel, cancel, cancel!!!!!"

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Zionazi and Racist state of Israel makes David a Jew hater. Thems the facts. I’m not canceling. Dont think you know the definition of Canceling.

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No it doesn't. It means that he's not a big fan of Israel. And plenty of Jews use those terms these days.

And cancel culture has a whole lot in similar with calling someone a "jew hater" or an "anti-semite".

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It’s a small percentage of Jews who would agree. 86% would call him a Jew hater.

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Probably a similar % figured that the covid vaccinations were safe and effective.

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Probably about 14% still do.....

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So if 86% of people believed 2 + 2=5 would that make it correct? Your logical fallacy is called bandwagonism, look it up if you don't believe me.

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Under that theory denouncing the Third Rech is equivalent to being anti-German. Up your argument game!

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I don’t hate Jews, as far as I’m aware I don’t personally know any. I don’t even want to hate Israel and know there are many decent humane citizens who have empathy for the treatment of Palestinians, epitomised by the brave young conscientious objectors who refuse to serve in the IDF killing machine and I would hazard a guess there are others that do but wish they didn’t and forever traumatised as a result.

Nazi ideology is terrible but what does it means. Does it refer to germanys national socialists of the 1930s/40s or is it a lazy slur for anyone to use against anything they find offensive in this day and age? For me it’s been weaponised like the accusation of antisemitism against the Palestinians and anyone the advocates on their behalf. So I hope you can handle swallowing some of your own medicine. Does it taste bitter?

I do not hate Jews and I will not stay silent on the inhumane treatment of Palestinians by the neo-nazi state of Israel.

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Are there really the only two options, either endorse censorship or you are a "hater?" Whatever happened to the enlightenment ideal of, "I don't believe in what you say, but I'll die for your right to say it." I am old enough to remember when the ACLU defended the right of Nazis to speak not because they liked Nazis (many ACLU lawyers and members were Jewish) but because free speech is that important.

Now cue impugning my motives rather than addressing the substance of what I have said...

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As a Jewish person and the grandson of two holocaust survivors, I think I can speak with some authority on the matter when I say:

EVERYONE should be allowed on Substack, INCLUDING Nazis!

This comes with the territory of a platform that is actually a haven for the "free speech absolutist", unlike the platform owned by the fella who coined this term.

I see Substack as the blog/text version of Odysee and very much wish and hope for it to stay this way!

And to all those 'Nazis' you're referring to:

"I disagree strongly with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it"....even if you hate my guts and very existence!

If there is anything we learnt since the start of this decade, it is the IRREFUTABLE FACT that censorship/deplatforming is a slippery slope which always (ALWAYS!!!) leads to a very very dark place indeed.

P.S: being republished on the Atlantic is definitely NOT something to be proud about...

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Agreed. It’s one of very few issues that are ‘black or white’ : you’re either FOR freedom of speech and expression and AGAINST censorship or you are against freedom of speech and for censorship. You can’t have it both ways. A ‘little bit’ of censorship for those with whom you disagree does not count as ‘Free Speech’, it’s still censorship. I find the white-supremacist views abhorrent, but i want to hear them and most importantly SEE them for what they are. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. If you ban and condemn to the shadows those with racist, repugnant views and opinions then you can’t argue against it or see who they are.

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Dec 16, 2023Edited
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If you don't like it leave immediately! What you do not get to do is tell me what I can read on this platform. I literally have zero interest in your boring repressive tendencies you want to impose on unwilling others

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I agree if Substack does not shutter or hide other posts, which it is, as my posts and delivery prove, the trickiness of not delivering, of shadowing some writers but giving the Nazi writer front page and attention rather than granting it to those who write of world peace and resolution of the issues. The one-sidedness of their attack is the biggest issue. Why do Nazi's get to be displayed and the Peaceniks be hidden?

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How exactly is substack "shadowing" or "not delivering" if it's at its very core an email newsletter platform? If people sign up to your newsletter, they get any new post emailed to them. It's as simple as that.

This is a genuine question btw. Please help me understand what you're saying.

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If I write a newsletter and send it out to the 9,800 subs I have there is an implication that free or paid, if I say send to all my subs, it will go to them. I have two email identities one a gmail for business, another a personal name totally unrelated so that it should, when signed up for a free subscription, get the newsletter at the same rate as all subs, every time. I do not get but one in 5 or less of the posts I send out on that email address so I checked junk and still not there. So I opened another sub account under another guise to see if it would get the emails, and again, no consistency, except the content that does not go out to all my subs, as proven by my getting all of Robert Malones content for example, and he publishes more than I do. I am not shy and have published 4-5 million words or more in the last four years on this platform. I have done videos, cartoons I created, and literally thousands of pictures. I have evidence to show the 1 in six delivery rate to two of my subs, but can I tell you how or why? No, just prove it is happening.

I got tagged for not meeting community standards over my title "Best Unsubscribe without a Four-Letter Word" which was okay if I titled it "four-five or six letter word." Stupid? No, simpleton I am not when the proof is in the delivery, same as FB, how many get to see is not what you think it will be and who complains these days about less emails?

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I've also noticed a discrepancy between my number of subscribers and the number of emails sent.

I assume this is due to the fact that Substack now offers people who use the app to only get new posts through the app instead of via email.

Either way, I assume that all subscribers get notified of new posts until proven otherwise.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

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Substack is clearly on this 'slippery slope'. Here's the list of what they don't allow. Based on this, there's a fair amount of white supremacist and Nazi content which would be tolerated, but there's likely some that isn't.


My primary reason for supporting the letter is that Substack have made no response to Jonathan Katz's article. I'm sure they disagree with it, but I'd like to hear from them on it. I'd like to think they have considered where they draw the line, because they say that there is a line. I'd like to think they have thought about the effect of what they endorse or not. I'd like a bit of transparency about what they do in terms of moderation, because although I've seen it implied that they don't moderate, it does look like they do under some circumstances.

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Substack has zero obligation to respond to anyone from the frothing hordes demanding censorship. You are here at their and your pleasure. You should be grateful they allow you to be here at all when you use ad hominem to slander their motives for supporting free expression.

If you do not enjoy it here you are free to leave, and go for a more curated experience like Mastadon, many of us however are here BECAUSE this platform supports free expression for all view including unpopular and reprehensible views. A judgement BTW I do not trust you or any woke pro censorship person to make.

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You might be unaware of the fact that Substack promotes their propaganda. That’s where I draw the line. I didn’t sign up because after investigating Katz and his past posts he claims Israel is committing genocide. This is a typical uneducated, uninformed trope.

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Israel IS committing genocide and this is coming from a Jewish person, former AVID Zionist and an Israeli who lived there for 22 years and served in the IDF.

The facts are the facts. What's happening in Gaza right now is absolutely & definitely ETHNIC CLEANSING and ministers within Netanyahu's own government openly admit that on Israeli national TV.


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Disagree. I am Jewish and have friends CURRENTLY in the IDF. The number of Gazans killed cannot verified as Hamas is a terror organization that lies— besides raping, beheading, burning a baby in an oven…

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" raping, beheading, burning a baby in an oven…"

A lot of what you just said above actually never happened. Even the IDF admits to that.

Both sides are engaged in extensive and highly sophisticated propaganda and other psyops and BOTH sides are lying.

Be careful about taking at face value anything coming out of either side.

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Wow. There’s no talking to you. I have a friend who was under attack and made it to Tel Aviv. Her friend was a DJ at the music festival and was burned alive. Signing off.

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Burned alive by U.S. supplied Apache helicopters piloted by the IDF that fired on everyone there most likely as documented by the Grayzone you liar. Why do Zionists lie so much? Is it the thrill of knowing you will be caught out in an age of ubiquitous information?

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As Michael says I'm pretty sure that you'll find the last of those to have been the result of Israeli missiles. I don't know of it specifically but that's what it sounds like.

Also as well as the Israelis firing on both Hamas and Israelis somewhat indiscriminately you have this (from Michael's substack), which looks even worse.


Divide and rule.

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You wrote:

As a Jewish person and the grandson of two holocaust survivors, I think I can speak with some authority on the matter when I say:

EVERYONE should be allowed on Substack, INCLUDING Nazis!

So I will write:

As a Jew, an Israeli, an American, and:

1. Coming from a long line of Holocaust victims and growing up with them

2. Having spent 28 years as a battlefield medic in the Israeli Reserves - and having in this position gone through 1 war in Lebanon, 2 Intifadas, and 1 serious long altercation during "Defensive Sheilds"

3. Being part of that worldwide family who has lost a child

4. AND now have... 4 Yes FOUR sons and sons-in-law all on the front line, all in elite units, since October 7th - two of whom I have not seen since then

I think i can say, that you should keep who you are out of the conversation.

I wish I could be as civil to you, as I am to others who cry for free speech. I cannot be. They have an excuse. You, my sir, most definitely, DO NOT.

I, and the world has watched where your version of free speech has taken college students screaming "Gas The Jews" and the good old Bin Laden quote "From the River To the sea" which is a cry for genocide - has taken western civilization.

Again YOU wrote:

If there is anything we learnt since the start of this decade, it is the IRREFUTABLE FACT that censorship/deplatforming is a slippery slope which always (ALWAYS!!!) leads to a very very dark place indeed.

So let me write:

If there is anything we learnt since the start of this decade, it is the IRREFUTABLE FACT that SCREAMING OUT HATEFUL SPEECH WHICH CRIES FOR KILLING AND GENOCIDE WILL ALWAYS (ALWAYS!!!) lead to a very very dark place indeed. TO THAT SPEECH BECOMING ACTION, AND THAT ACTION BECOMING THE FACE OF EVIL.

I just lived through it. Did you??????

So do me a favor. Keep your genes out of this. Because, obviously, you have learned nothing from history or from the present.

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I take it you are still a 'proud Zionist" , right? Maybe this will change your mind and show you that the state of Israel in its current form has reached the end of the road and no longer has any moral right to exist:


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And there it is. I knew you could not resist. Your TRUE COLORS.

That was way too easy.

I don't mind who you hate or dislike. That is your choice.

But do not EVER start off a convo by using your "Jewish Genes" to prove something otherwise.

That is not only disingenuous - it is DISGUSTING.

Keep your genes out of it. They do not give you a right to say anything.

Bowing out. You are not worth my time.

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You're doing the same, what is the difference?

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I agree that lefties shouting "From the River to the Sea" is suggestive of no Jews in Palestine/Israel. But most of them are too dumb (as a leftie it makes me cringe) to figure that out.

But "From the River to the Sea" is originally a Likud term. Probably thinking of the Euprhates. In addition "Am Yisrael Chai" is also a right wing term that basically means the same. If you can't bring yourself to critique these as well then well you deserve each other.

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Another Zionist genocide for land theft advocate who is also pro censorship. How boring and utterly predictable. Do you people ever have an original thought that isn’t in the service of repressive tyranny. Your tiresome predictability is going to bore everyone to death you midwit PMC wannabe overlord.

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I'm curious if you're aware of Frances Leader's work on the Black Nobility. Or Nefahotep's work along the same lines. Or Tereza Coraggio https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/my-hitler-journey?

From my understanding it is a teasing apart of the different players through history, but I'm a bit over my head presently with it. For many different reasons.

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Yea, have heard of the black nobility and the black and grey popes. All makes perfect sense to me

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Thanks for saying.

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It seems very easy to claim someone is a nazi without definitive evidence.

Given the importance of actual free speech, which is the right to say things some may find offensive, not trying to censor speech that you do not like, is critical to actual discussion.

More talk, not less.

Isn't that why you publish here?

To have a swastika emblem, or say 'the jewish question', or talking about 'Great Replacement Theory' is not an indication of being a nazi. It most definitely is not proof.

If you think they are wrong, say why.

Demanding censorship for speech you do not like tells me you have no argument, only fear based ideology.

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We should be Demanding equal time for freedom, for the positive perspectives is essential too, not just giving aid and support to the haters.

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The Jewish question is a direct link to Nazi Germany.

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Substack's own content guidelines say "Hate: Substack cannot be used to publish content or fund initiatives that incite violence based on protected classes. Offending behavior includes credible threats of physical harm to people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or medical condition."

My question is primarily where they draw the line on this.

I recognise Substack as a free speech platform. I'm a science and environment writer, and I see nearly every day there is content I consider to be pseudoscientific misinformation listed under 'top in science' in my Notes feed. I'm not asking for it to be removed. It's very clear where they stand on it - there's nothing about it in their content guidelines, they are happy to have it on the platform, they get money for it, but they're also not doing anything which I consider promotes it.

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Would this be information on how poisonous the vaccinations were?

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How about the communists? Why are communists never mentioned? And exactly what are racists anyway? Do you mean Jews? Or BLM? or the Congressional black Caucus? The N.A.A.C.P? The Hispanic/Latino organizations? The J.D.L ? the A.D.L? Name one organization that is dedicated to the advancement of White People.

Who gets to decide what free speech is? You and the people who agree with you?

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Just let all of us have the same freedom instead of hiding my posts and promoting those that help breed hate, war, and evil intentions to be manifested.

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Substack decides what they allow on their platform as well as what they promote and highlight.


I recognise that, as a rule, Substack supports free speech. I haven't objected to all the misinformation on science topics on Substack even though I'm a science and environment writer. But, as I stated in an earlier post, the content highlighted by Jonathan Katz seems to be pushing the limits of Substack's own stated rules. I'd like to know what they think on the subject.

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Signed "substackers", "colective letter"? What that means without a list of names? The most of us know that people have the right to not agree or like what others think or say, and also they know that asking for cenzorship is a double-edged sword. It doesn't work in the way you want. Freedom of speech as formulated is universal, not just for some and not for others.

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Then force Substack to give equal time to the good articles that promote positive futures for mankind instead of just the stuff that is divisive and destructive to the betterment of the world. No censoring of either side, which is the problem here, they are not giving equal time to the good stuff that attempts to stop the bad things they allow published too. If you can moderate some and stop them from reaching their subs, why don't you do the same for others who have published for years without your support, awards, or recognition because you do not like the content that does not cause frustration, angst, or anger in society or instead, simply offers distraction from the real issues of the world. I am beginning to think Substack is just one more social platform that censors and hides those that are not woke or causing conflict in the world.

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"those that are not woke" in you view it also includes those faithful to the cult of the Great Climate Change Hoax?

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I agree with all you said and want to point out that Substack is also censoring through perhaps intentionally failing to send out posts to all subscribers, especially if they do not like the content. They are moderating more than you know, taking out the positive stuff on how to succeed, escape the plans fo those executing the global plan. They have proven their slant is woke and using Woke companies to process our income, again pro-society destruction and the support for, the profiting from Nazi writings and promotions is no surprise. I have published over 5 million words on this platform, certainly make more than the $3,000 a year that should get some recognition or support by this platform but they treat me like and undesired step child. I have two extra emails I take my newsletter through and Substack is repeatedly not sending out my posts to my subs even though it is claiming it does. This is stacked alright, Subs stacked away from the writers, stacking the Nazi posts and giving them attention while writers like myself who offer solutions to housing and living without compliance with the UN or Biden are being shuttered, traffic hindered, and certainly not getting recognition for our work if it does not align with their political slant. They do seem to want more conflict and support some writers by sending out all their posts, but not me, I can assure you of that. Something is up at Substack and their politics seems to be along the Nazi lines of do as they wish and answer to no one. Paid for writers but not support for those of us who started and wrote millions of words, have subs, making money despite their lack of support and what appears to be a hindrance by not sending out the posts to all of our subs every time.

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I support free speech. Period. There can be no "protected" class of people that are not subject to scrutiny. Especially right now, given the outrageous unchecked genocidal rampage Israel is waging in flagrant disregard of nearly the entire civilized world. This is EXACTLY what happens when you favor a specific race of people over all others. This is inherently at odds with the very concept of free speech. It is furthermore extremely dangerous to our well being as a nation to continue to favor one race of people over others. And I believe it is important to say this out loud - stating my truth as I have in this post, I put myself and my family at risk. We are all - citizens of the world I mean to say- being tracked, and monitored- and substack is no exception to that sad state of affairs. What do you risk by demanding more protection for the Jews? We who object to favoring the Jews risk everything, just to speak our minds. That should tell you everything you need to know

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I just want to add that there are ways to report and block both of which I have done. Mind you the fellow who attacked me was a Muslim not a white supremacist. Jew haters come in all varieties.

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And? or

So what?

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Oh yes, I forgot to say, there are other substacks I subscribe to that do not come to me as regularly as they publish, paid or not.

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Earlier this year, Substack had a problem where a major security organisation listed the domain 'substack.com' as spam. It resulted in a lot of newsletters not getting through, including mine. Not only that, because I link to my Substack in my email signature, my regular email was getting blocked. This wasn't a case of email getting stuck in a spam folder, it was blocked before that point. It took me ages to get Substack to realise what was going on.

Is it possible there's still an issue like that. The problems I was having have resolved.

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That would cover a bit of it but the 1 out of 5 or so that do get through and they all get through on my primary identity tied to my substack account, never misses, but two other email ID both have very low hit rate for notices on new posts.

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What was Facebook at its very core when it started and I pumped it up with content to 7 million friends of friends, 80,000 views per post before they later put trolls, censors, and a person watching over me, then they got their game on and after 16 years, they managed to never let me monetize, like YT, Twitter or other platforms that were not all they appeared to be, I am saddened after so long publishing on here to have to concede that I will likely leave too due to the rising evidence that it is not, like Twitter, all that it appeared to be. Stripe is Woke and this may be a joke too. I am not too old to be fooled, and I keep backing up just in case too. They tout their favs but watch out if they don't like you.

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Great Climate Change Hoax? Yes it is and there are far too many who forget the cycles of the sun and Earth, that do not understand the physics of energy transmission through light, or the gamma radiation that hits Earth and eventually turns into mass and grows the planet bigger, thus the stretch marks under the ocean are obvious. The cyclical movements of land, rising and sinking, the change of the rotational axis of the planet, so much that most do not consider when they talk weather. Humans are a minor element in the formula compared to volcanos, but some human have a greatly overly influenced imagination that leaves out the facts. We pollute too much, no doubt, but not change the global climate using SUVs. Want to take creating heat, talk wars... and if the leaders were serious about adding heat to planet, wars would stop now.

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Why because free speech is why. That's all you need to know, free speech is a basic human right that does not need to be justified to woke censors who think they know better than you do what you ought to be allowed to read, to think, to feel, to express.

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Weren't those Canadian truckers called Nazis before they got cancelled? Nevermind that they opposed the authorities.

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everyone the left disagrees with gets called a nazi. They never get called communists. Which is funny.

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